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Papua Police Chief Confirms Continued Negotiations for Captain Mehrtens Release

By Cpiet Kamis, 08 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, the Chief of Papua Regional Police,  confirmed that the authorities put negotiations for the safe release of Susi Air pilot Captain Phillips Mark Mehrtens, currently held captive by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya, on the top priority. "Various steps have been taken by the Nduga Regency administration, the military and the police while prioritizing negotiation," he said on Wednesday (7/2/2024). Chief  Fakhiri emphasized that efforts to free Captain Mehrtens have been underway, a point conveyed during the visit of New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia Kevin Jeffrey Burnet. Acknowledging the year-long captivity, he highlighted the continuous focus on negotiation, with hopes for the safe release of Captain Mehrtens. "We need patience from all parties, including the media, as the the military and the police, with the assistance of various stakeholders including community and church leaders, continues efforts to secure Phillip's release," Chief Fakhiri said. During the meeting, the New Zealand Ambassador expressed support for Indonesia's sovereignty, affirming that Papua is an integral part of the country. This support counters the baseless claims made by Benny Wenda and Sebby Sembon. "No countries support the issue of Papuan independence abroad, so the exploitation of the Papuan issue for political gains must cease. The millitary and the police, alongside other stakeholders, will persist in efforts to secure the hostage's safe release," said Chief Fakhiri. (mg/ay/pr/nm)
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