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INP Deploy 25,000 Brimob Personnel to Secure 2024 Elections

By Cpiet Kamis, 08 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (14) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. In preparation for the upcoming 2024 elections, the Indonesian National Police (INP) has mobilized 25,000 Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel as part of Operation Mantap Brata 2023-2024 to maintain order during voting and vote counting. Led by the Head of the INP's Security Maintenance Department and the Chief of Operation Mantap Brata 2023-2024, Commissioner General Dr. Mohammad Fadil Imran, the security forces comprise Brimob Nusantara and Sabhara Nusantara rapid response units. These personnel are equipped with specialized qualifications, including riot control units, search and rescue teams, drone units, rapid response teams, anti-riot squads, and bomb disposal units. "Approximately 25,000 Brimob personnel from across Indonesia are involved, including Brimob Nusantara and Dalmas Nusantara from Sabhara, which we have prepared," Chief Imran said on Wednesday (7/2/2024). INP has formulated three operations for securing the 2024 elections: Operation Mantap Brata, Operation  National Cooling System (NCS), and Contingency Operation. The contingency operation is designed to address disturbances such as public order issues, natural disasters, terrorism, and social conflicts. (ar/ek/pr/nm)
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