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Papuan Abdul Kahar Yelipele Proud as Son Accepted into Police Academy

By Cpiet Senin, 29 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (15) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Semarang. Abdul Kahar Yelipele, a prominent Islamic figure from Papua, showed gratitude and joy as his son, Muhammad Rajab Yelipele, was accepted into the Police Academy (Akpol).

During the central selection announcement on Sunday (28/7/2024), Abdul Kahar, wearing traditional attire, fell to his knees in prayer upon seeing his son's name with a green check mark indicating acceptance.

"I am deeply thankful and moved," he said at the Akpol Multipurpose Building in Semarang, Central Java. 

Abdul Kahar reflected on his son's previous attempt to join the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) and his subsequent application to Akpol. He expected his son would succeed and become a leader in Papua, ensuring peace and security in his homeland.

Abdul Kahar is an influential religious leader in Papua, serving in the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)'s Harmony Commission and the Chairman of the Baiturrahim Grand Mosque. He raised his hope that his son would continue his legacy of fostering unity.

Out of 490 candidates, 325, including 284 male and 41 female cadets, have been admitted to Akpol this year.


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