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Pecalang Appreciates Police Security for the 2nd IAF Summit in Bali

By Pramudita Jumat, 06 September 2024 Pengunjung (20) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bali. The Indonesian National Police (INP) have successfully executed the 2024 Puri Agung II Operation to secure the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF). The success of the operation is also credited to the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Bali public elements for their full support.

One of the public elements is pecalang, which is a traditional guard of Bali tasked with maintaining security and order in Bali.

Head of Traditional Village Pecalang Bualu Wayan Eka appreciates the security from the police. He says that his party continues to work together with TNI and INP to work together in every international event to ensure its smooth and safe events.

“For security, we, the military and the police have done solid teamwork as we continue to back up the two security institutions,” says Bualu Wayan Eka on Tuesday (9/3/2024).

He saw that security coordination between Pecalang and TNI-INP is going well as the three security parties secures IAF Summit and other international events.

“We hope that we can continue this solid collaboration in the future, and if we could improve it to the better,” hopes Bualu Wayan Eka.


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