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Efforts to Return Shallots Price to Normal, Govt. Mobilize the Supply from Regions to Regions

By Pramudita Jumat, 06 September 2024 Pengunjung (24) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Food Agency (Bapanas) have mobilized shallots from the surplus region to the deficit regions. This step is part of the efforts in improving the fallen shallots price in the market.

“As of August 22nd, we have mobilized the shallots from the surplus to the deficit regions,” says Deputy for Food and Nutrition Vulnerability of Bapanas, Nyoto Suwignyo on Tuesday (9/3/2024).

In a Coordination Meeting of Regional Inflation Control, he says the total shallots mobilization has reached 43,667 kilograms.

The details of mobilization also revealed to be from Solok, West Sumatra to Kramat Jati Main Market, Jakarta with 18,487 kilograms of shallots distributed. Then from the West Java Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) to the West Java Food Kiosk as much as 1,750 kilograms of red shallots.

There are also from Garut, West Java to Banda Aceh as much as 8,010 kilograms. Lastly from Banggai Regency to Banggai Islands Regency 420 kilograms of shallots.

At the end of his statement, he ensures that this mobilization will continue to be carried out by his party in hopes that the shallots price will return to normal.


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