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Polda Sulteng Anticipates the Potential of Cooking Oil Hoarding in a Household Scale

By Cpiet Senin, 07 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (6) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Palu. Polda Sulteng Anticipates the Potential of Cooking Oil Hoarding in a Household Scale The Food Task Force of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda Sulteng) is aware of the potential of hoarding cooking oil ahead of Ramadan 1443 Hijriah in a household. According to the food task force of Polda Sulteng who is also the Head of Unit Industry and Trade I (Kanit Indag) of Polda Sulteng, AKP Dirham, said the current conditions made hoarding action not only potentially happening among merchants but also on a household scale. "The focus of our inspection is also on individuals who are indicated to be hoarding on a household scale, because the potential is quite worrying at a time like this, ahead of the holy month of Ramadan," said Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Sulteng, Sunday (6/3/22). Since there was an effort to suppress the specific price for basic household needs, in this case cooking oil, his party had already expected this outcome. This is because, in general, the level of use of cooking oil on a household scale in Central Sulawesi is still relatively high today. It is getting higher with the presence of micro, small and medium business. "So don't believe any hoaxes, that says cooking oil will be scarce before Ramadhan, it's not true, the government will definitely try to maintain the daily supply for its people," explained Ditreskrimsus Polda Sulteng. Separately, the Acting Head of Domestic Trade at the Central Sulawesi Industry and Trade Service (Disperindag), Dony Iwan Setiawan ensured that the stock of cooking oil was sufficient ahead of the holy month of Ramadhan, next April. "We have coordinated, and the monitoring team from the Ministry of Industry and Trade will come down again to monitor directly so that this availability can really be ensured to be safe until the end of Ramadhan," Dony said. Dony said the quota of 293 tons of cooking oil for Central Sulawesi was an additional intervention carried out by the central government through PT. Multi Nabati Sulawesi, PT. Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk and PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia. The three giant producers intervened by distributing distributions to distributors in four points, Palu City, Toli-toli District, Poso, and Banggai (Luwuk). "The points from Palu City include Sigi, Donggala, and Parimo, the Toli-toli points cover Buol Regency, the Poso points cover Tentena, Tojo Una-Una as well as North Morowali, and Morowali, the points in Banggai include the Banggai brothers, and the distribution is already underway. walk," said Dony. Therefore, he asked the public to be wise in responding to the current condition of the availability of cooking oil in the market, as well as in shopping places. "No matter how much cooking oil comes in, if the people are not wise, for example, buying the cooking oil for the next r 2 or 3 months, then it will never be enough for the city to supply, so we continue to educate them to buy just enough," said Dony.
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