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Police Arrest Lead Sand Illegal Mining Suspect in Bangka Belitung

By Cpiet Senin, 29 April 2024 Pengunjung (19) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Bangka Belitung. Bangka Belitung Regional Police successfully a lead sand collector in Bangka Belitung Island Province. The man with the initials of HE was secured by the police after allegedly mining illegally.

The Head of Bangka Belitung Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Jojo Sutarjo confirms the arrest of HE.

The arrest of the 44 year old man was carried out by the Sub-directorate IV of Bangka Belitung Regional Police in Tempilang Village, West Bangka Regency on Thursday (4/25/2024).

Jojo says that HE was secured after storing the illegal lead sand not coming from IUPK, IPR, SIPB, and other permits.

“When he was secured, the lead sand was in wet condition. We measured the total weight of the confiscated lead sand, which reached 1,226 kilograms,” said Jojo.

Other than securing the illegal lead sand, police also secure other evidence such as one lead sand purchase record book.

“The suspect will be charged with Article 161 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison," he concluded.


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