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Police Arrested a Suspect of Motorcycle Embezzlement

By Cpiet Minggu, 04 September 2022 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The Lampung Regional Police managed to apprehend the alleged perpetrator of embezzlement of a motorcycle unit in Campur Asri Village, Baradatu District, Way Kanan Regency. The suspect, DH (37), is from the Campur Asri Village, Baradatu District, Way Kanan Regency. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Andre Try Putra said the chronology of the incident occurred on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 11:00 WIB in the Campur Asri Village, Baradatu District. DH initially borrows the motorcycle from his victim by saying that he wants to go to a shop. However, until 19:30 WIB, the perpetrator had not yet returned home, then the victim looked for the perpetrator and met a witness. According to the witness' statement, DH had been pawned the motorcycle for Rp4.5 million. The suspect was arrested on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 22:00 WIB in the Campur Asri Village, Baradatu District, Way Kanan Regency. The perpetrators were then taken to the Way Kanan Police for further investigation. To account for his actions, the perpetrator will be charged with Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of four years.
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