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Sitaro Island Police Unravels Five Cases of Gambling

By Cpiet Minggu, 04 September 2022 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Recently, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave directions to intensify Prioritized Daily Activities (KRYD) regarding the prevention of social disturbances and issues, such as gambling, fuel oil hoarding, supplies issues, drugs abuse, to mining issues. This was immediately followed up by the Sitaro Islands Police, who immediately stepped on the gas by uncovering five gambling cases in the Sitaro Islands. "We sent a team from the Criminal Investigation Unit as well as our internal intelligence and security to go into the field," said the Sitaro Islands Police Chief, AKBP Iwan Permadi, at a press conference held on Friday (2/9/2022) at the Sitaro Police Headquarters. According to Permadi, the five cases consisted of two cases handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sitaro Islands Police, one case from the East Siau Police, and two other gambling cases handled by the West Siau Police. He also claimed that of all the ranks of the Resort Police in North Sulawesi, the Sitaro Islands Police were the largest in terms of disclosing gambling cases after the order of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation of the Sitaro Islands Police, Iptu Dedy Polla, said the gambling case was online lottery. "Of the five people that we have secured, some are gatherers and there are also dealers. So we are not only acting against the dealers," explained Dedy. In addition to the five perpetrators, the Sitaro Islands Police also managed to secure some evidence such as cellphones, lottery recap paper, and cash in various forms of rupiah currency.
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