Pagimana Police Chief Senior Inspector Makmur explained that the distribution of these logistics required traversing mountains, dense forests, and navigating through several swift rivers. "This is a testament to the commitment of the Indonesian National Police (INP) to ensure the success of the democratic process, safeguarding the distribution of election logistics consisting of ballot boxes, ballots, and other documents," Chief Makmur said on Thursday (8/2/2024) The four assigned police personnel for the escort duty were Assistant Inspector Frets Adolof Rombot, Senior Brigadier Agus Tongkasi, Brigadier Mohammad Rifandi Yasin, and Brigadier I Gede Aryadi Oka, reported. These officers, alongside members of the Indonesian Military, polling station officers (KPPS and PPS), and local residents, embarked on a three-day journey to reach the polling stations in Baloa Doda Village, Pagimana District. Chief Makmur emphasized that escorting the distribution of logistics to remote areas before the commencement of the elections was essential to anticipate unpredictable weather conditions. "Due to the considerable distance, approximately three days on foot, the electoral logistics for the 2024 Elections to the Baloa Doda Village Polling Stations were distributed in advance," he explained. Chief Makmur expressed hope for the smooth distribution process to the Baloa Doda Village Polling Stations. (ar/inp/pr/nm)