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Bali KPU Introduces All-Female Staffed TPS

By Cpiet Jumat, 09 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar. The Bali General Elections Commission (KPU) Chairman I Dewa Agung Gede Lidartawan confirmed on Thursday (8/2/2024) the implementation of polling stations (TPS) staffed entirely by women. "This initiative includes all-female TPS staff, covering the Polling Station Working Committee (KPPS), TPS supervisors, enforcement officers, and witnesses, marking a new program across Bali for this election," he stated. He clarified that staff are directed to ensure their readiness one day before the election to enhance performance, aiming for all districts to have fully staffed polling stations by women during the 2024 Elections. He outlined the program's aim to bolster women's participation in Bali's political landscape, stating, "So far, there has been a perception that politics is unclean. By offering opportunities, we hope to change women's perspectives and encourage their involvement in politics, demonstrating that it's not excessively challenging." Furthermore, he noted that female KPPS attire on February 14th will align with traditional Balinese attire worn by other KPPS staff. (ar/ndt/pr/nm)
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