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Police Examine Dozens of Witnesses for SYL Extortion Allegation Uncovering

By Cpiet Rabu, 15 November 2023 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The investigators of Corruption Criminal Sub-directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police have examined 86 witnesses of SYL extortion allegation by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chair, Firli Bahuri. After the investigator has released an investigation warrant on October 9th, dozens of witnesses were examined as part of investigation process. “We have held an examination from 86 witnesses until last Monday, November 13th, 2023,” says the Director of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate, Grand Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak to the media on Thursday (11/14/2023). Police reportedly also examined Alex Tirta as the one who rents the house for Firli. The rented house, located at Kertanegara street No. 46, have also been probed by the investigators some time ago. Moreover, police also probe Firli’s house in Bekasi on the same day, October 26th. “There are eight experts that will be examined to strengthen the evidence of the corruption crimes that occurred,” conclude Ade. (ad/ri/pr/nm)
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