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Police Held Counselor Training to Improve Members Capabilities

By Cpiet Kamis, 05 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. On the third day of counseling training for Papua Regional Police, members have been given important knowledge to improve their capabilities. The training was held in the Ballroom of the Horison Hotel Jayapura, Thursday (5/10/2023). The training invites several speakers who experts in psychology, including Commissioner Dorthea M. Ansanai, First Police Inspector Try Abriansyah, and Second Police Inspector Aris Susanta. The event was attended by Papua Police Human Resource of Psychologic Division and members of Papua Psychological Association (HIMPSI). In her opening remarks, she explains that the training was aimed to prepare counselors in giving counseling to police members, especially as 2024 Elections looms ahead. “The limitedness of psychologist in Papua Regional Police makes the role of counselors becomes even more important,” states Dorthea. Meanwhile, Merlin Elsina Titahena says that the training is a good initiation in equipping personnel to have the capability as counselor. Merlin says that in the field, there are various problems that requires the help of counselors. With the training, it is hoped that many police members, particularly in Papua, volunteers to take this honorable role. “Counselors in Papua is quite few, and with this training, I hoped it could also help in overcoming small issues that exists in the field,” Merlin says. On the other hand, Brigadier Aibrone, members of Papua Police Human Resource and participants of the training, conveys his gratitude and appreciation for the training. He prayed that there would be another counselor training and supported by key officials to improve police capabilities. “We also want to express my thanks to HIMPSI for your participation on this training. We hoped that your support and police key officials would better improve this training program in the future,” thanked Aibrone. (ad/inp/pr/nm)
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