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Police Officer Honored for Heroic Action in Disarming Armed Man in East Jakarta

By Admin 1 Sabtu, 07 September 2024 Pengunjung (52) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Assistant First Inspector Agus Supriyatna, a Bhabinkamtibmas officer from Pulogadung Police Office, East Jakarta, has been awarded a ticket to the Police Rank Promotion School (PAG) for his bravery in arresting an armed man, who was wielding a machete. 

Bhabinkamtibmas refers to community police officers in Indonesia. These officers are responsible for maintaining public order and safety at the village or neighborhood level.

Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo praised Agus' quick response, which prevented potential harm to the community.

"Assistant First Inspector Agus’ courage exemplifies the Police’s commitment to protecting and serving the public," said INP Chief Assistant for Human Resources Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo on Friday (6/9/2024). 

The officer swiftly acted after receiving reports from residents about the armed man, identified as Danovan Sembiring Meliala (43),  threatening behavior on Jalan Kayu Putih. 

His actions, including subduing the armed man, have been held up as a model for other officers, Chief Dedi said.



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