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Police Traffic Corps Monitors Holiday Return Flow

By Cpiet Senin, 02 Januari 2023 Pengunjung (3) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. On the first day of 2023, the Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps  deployed their personnel in several toll gates from Kalikangkung in Central Java to Cipali in West Java, Sunday (1/1) to monitor the return flow of holiday makers on Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. “From our monitoring, the traffic flow from the east or south went as usual. It means that the situation is under control because the vehicle volume is under 5,000,” said Director of Traffic Corps Law Enforcement Brigadier General Aan Suhanan at rest area KM 57 Jakarta-Cikampek Toll, Sunday (1/1). He said that the revocation of health restrictions contributed slightly in increasing the traffic volume, referring to several congestions on small roads. However, he said there were several locations to monitor such as Java's norther coast (Pantura) highway and other five locations due to bridge reconstruction while there were several rest areas along the toll road and traffic crossings causing a bottle neck. “We will have a general evaluation of the operation. But, we have evaluated our operation daily for traffic engineering and tourist destination security measures,” said the general.
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