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Polri: Upik Lawanga in August 2020 Already Ordered For Assembled Firearms

By Cpiet Jumat, 18 Desember 2020 Pengunjung (159) 4 Mins Read
Jakarta - Head of the Indonesian National Police's Public Relations Division, Inspector General Prabowo Argo Yuwono, said that Taufik Bulaga alias Upik Lawanga, who is an expert in making firearms and assembling bombs, was arrested by the anti-terror Special Detachment 88 and received orders to make homemade weapons. Upik himself was arrested by Densus 88 in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung on November 23, 2020. "Suspect Upik has been ordered to make this homemade firearm in August 2020. There is an order from his leadership, starting in August 2020, please make weapons," said Argo at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Friday (18/12). "The problem is used when you don't know. The person concerned has prepared, there is an order to make weapons," he continued. Confiscate Constructed Weapons and Bunkers From the arrest of Upik himself, the Densus had confiscated homemade weapons and the bunker at his residence or residence. "The Barbuk who was confiscated from Upik's house had homemade weapons and a bunker at his house. Tomorrow the Head of the Public Information Division will come to Lampung, with a media friend who will see what the bunker looks like. Let him understand what the bunker looks like," he said. Have the Ability to Assemble High Explosive Bombs In addition, Agro said, besides being able to make homemade weapons. Upik also has the ability to make high explosive bombs. "UL is also the same, its ability to assemble high explosive bombs, firearms and military capabilities," he said. Upik Can Learn Regional Characteristics Not only is he an expert in making homemade bombs and weapons, Upik can also study the characteristics of an area, one example is in Poso. "The suspect Upik is also called a professor because he can see and study the characteristics of his area. For example, in Poso many people use flashlights at night for lighting. So the person concerned makes the bomb like a flashlight," he said. "It is the same so that people do not get suspicious, if he carries a bomb in the form of a flashlight. There is also a thermos. For example, people often bring a thermos to the garden, he also brings a thermos so that people do not suspect. that problem, "he continued. Upik Selling Duck in Lampung Argo explained that while in Lampung, it turned out that Upik worked as a duck seller and he also bought a house from the sale. "For Upik Lawanga, this is the same, he also moves around in hiding. Yesterday he was in Lampung selling ducks. He could raise money, buy a house. Tomorrow we will see there is a bunker there," he explained. Densus 88 Arrest Fugitive Bali Bombing I in Lampung The Densus 88 Anti-terror Team arrested a suspected terrorist named Zulkarnaen (57) in Lampung, who was a fugitive in the Bali bombing case. East Lampung, Lampung. "There have been arrests without resistance to the DPO (fugitive)," said Head of Public Relations of the Indonesian Police, Inspector General of Police Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono in Jakarta, Saturday (12/12) night. Zulkarnaen is a fugitive in connection with the 2001 Bali bombing case. "Zulkarnain was the commander of the Askari Jamaah Islamiyah during the Bali bombing 1," said Argo. Zulkarnaen is suspected of having played a role in hiding Upik Lawangan alias Taufik Bulaga alias Udin. Upik himself had already been arrested by Densus 88 in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung on November 23, 2020. In addition, Zulkarnaen's involvement in the criminal act of terrorism was to play a role in making the Khos Unit which was later involved in the Bali bombing and the conflicts in Poso and Ambon. The special unit is known to be the same as the special taskforce. Argo added that the suspected terrorist from Sragen, Central Java, had studied for four semesters in 1982 at the Biology Faculty, a well-known campus in D.I. Yogyakarta.
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