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President Jokowi Announced Indonesian Football Will Not be Sanctioned by FIFA

By Cpiet Minggu, 09 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Joko Widodo announced that the International Football Federation (FIFA) would not impose sanctions on Indonesian football after the Kanjuruhan Tragedy. This was written in a FIFA letter received by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The letter is a follow-up to Jokowi's communication with FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, last Monday (10/3). FIFA then sent a reply letter to Jokowi, one of which was a notification that there would be no sanctions for Indonesian football. "Based on the letter, thank God, Indonesian football has not been sanctioned by FIFA," said the most important person in Indonesia in a press statement via the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Friday (10/7). "FIFA, together with the government, will form a transformation team for Indonesian football and FIFA will establish an office in Indonesia during these processes," explained the 7th Indonesian President. Then, Jokowi also mentioned that FIFA President Gianni Infantino would visit Indonesia in the near future. The two will having a further discussion. "Later, the FIFA President will come to Indonesia in October or November to discuss with the government," explained the Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia
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