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Puncak Jaya Joint Security Forces Conduct Patrol to Maintain Order

By Cpiet Senin, 22 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (12) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. In the cooperation of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (INP) of maintaining public security and order, the joint forces of Puncak Jaya Sub-regional Police, 1714/PJ Regional Military Command and the Mobile Brigade assigned personnel routinely patrol around Mulia City and surroundings.

The patrol was led by the Head Ops of Puncak Jaya Sub-regional Police, Police Assistant Superintendent R. Ahmad Hari Junianto and Head Ops of 1714/ PJ Regional Military Command Captain Daniel Sine. During the security operation, personnel invites people to jointly maintain security and order with the security forces.

Ahmad Hari, following the operation, says that in order to create safe and security situation following the unrest several days ago, the ranks of TNI and INP have routinely held joint patrol.

Furthermore, the activity was also aimed to minimize disturbances by irresponsible groups who wants to disrupt and invoke chaos in Puncak Jaya Regency.

"We also continuously urge the public, particularly merchants and motorcycle taxi-driver to comply with the rules regulated by the government," said Hari.


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