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Restorative Justice Resolves 15.809 Cases in 2022: The Chief of INP

By Cpiet Kamis, 13 April 2023 Pengunjung (6) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. During a meeting with the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III on Wednesday (12/4/2023), the Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the number of cases resolved through restorative justice has increased in 2022.

"In 2022, there were 15,809 cases resolved through restorative justice, an increase of 1,672 cases or 11.8 percent compared to 2021, which had 14,137 cases," he said.

While restorative justice cases are guided by the formal and material requirements of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2021, not all cases are eligible for this approach.

Cases that harm public justice, receive public attention, or involve crimes against women and children are not eligible and will be dealt with firmly in accordance with applicable regulations, as emphasized by General Listyo Sigit.

"Those cases will be dealt with firmly in accordance with applicable regulations," he emphasized.


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