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Reviewing Public Service Level, Riau Island Regional Police Welcomes the Visit of Ombudsman

By Cpiet Kamis, 09 Mei 2024 Pengunjung (20) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Riau Island. The Riau Island Regional Police Vice Head, Brigadier General Asep Safrudin accompanied by key officials welcomes the visit of Riau Island Ombudsman on Tuesday (5/7/2024).

Asep greeted the visit of Ombudsman leadership and stressed the importance of Ombudsman compliance level assessment to assure the best service to the public. The assessment could also be the trigger to push the best public service in accordance with Law Number 25 of 2009 regarding Public Service.

The Head of Riau Ombudsman Jemsly Hutabarat stressed that in general, since the program was launched in 2015, the percentage of public service providers that fall into the green zone category is only 9.8%. Jemsly hopes that in 2024, Riau Island Regional Police could improve public welfare and quality.

β€œIn improving public service, we are focusing on upgrading skill, looks, attitude, care, and measure that we take. We all have hope and belief that this year, the public service of Riau Island Regional Police and ranks will see a better improvement,” said Jemsly.

The Head of Riau Island Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Zahwani Pandra Arsyad also adds that for those who want to report criminal cases or need police help, they can call the emergency number 110.


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