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Rohingya Refugees 9th Wave: 315 Arrive in Pidie and Aceh Besar

By Cpiet Senin, 11 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id -  Banda Aceh.  As many as 315 Rohingya refugees have again landed on the shores of Aceh, specifically in the coastal areas of Blang Raya, Pidie Regency, and Blang Ulam Beach, Aceh Besar Regency, on Sunday (10/12/2023). Panglima Laot Aceh, Miftach Tjut Adek, reported the arrival of two Rohingya boats, one in the Blang Raya area and another on the Blang Ulam coast in Aceh Besar, antaranews.com reported. "The Rohingya refugees in Pidie landed around 3.30 am, and in Aceh Besar around 5.30 am on Sunday," he said in Banda Aceh. The Rohingya refugees have faced initial rejection from local residents in Pidie, but they persisted and eventually managed to land. While in Pidie, the Chief of Muara Tiga Police, Second Inspector Efendi, recorded a total of 180 Rohingya refugees, consisting of 74 women, 53 men, 26 boys and 27 girls. In Aceh Besar, the Chief of Krueng Raya Police, Second Inspector Rolly Yuiza Away, reported that around 135 Rohingya refugees landed, but detailed information on their numbers is yet to be determined. "The refugees' position, with the boat they boarded, is quite far, around one kilometer away. They walked on foot to their current location," he said. This marks the ninth wave of Rohingya refugees arriving in Aceh since November 2023. They have landed in various regions, including four waves in Pidie, one each in Bireuen and Aceh Timur, two in Kota Sabang, and the latest one in Aceh Besar. (mg/inp/pr/nm)  
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