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Security Continues to be Tightened Following Successful Voting Day in West Java

By Pramudita Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (96) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - West Java. Security forces in West Java assure that personnel remain vigilant in ensuring the situation remains conducive following 2024 Regional Head Election voting day.

The security focus is directed to ballot distribution escort, vote recapitulation security, and anticipation against all potential security threats.

The Head of West Java Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Jules Abraham Abast confirms that the situation throughout the province remains secure. However, he also assured that his personnel will remain vigilant in securing the situation at several strategic locations such as in the General Elections Commission (KPU).

Post-voting security steps starting from escorting the distribution of boxes and securing the vote recapitulation anticipating social vulnerability, cyber ​patrol, and coordination with the KPU and Bawaslu.

On this occasion, he invited the public to continue to maintain a safe, peaceful, and security situation and to respect the ongoing counting process.

As an anticipatory measure, the West Java Regional Police have also placed additional personnel in several areas that are considered to have high vulnerability. Security at the KPU office and election logistics warehouse has also been tightened until the entire process is complete.

The West Java Regional Police are committed to ensuring the security and smooth running of the election process until the final stage. With maximum security, it is hoped that the public can enjoy this democratic party peacefully and orderly.


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