- Jakarta. The Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf hopes that the graduates of People's Schools, schools intended for the lower-income communities, can be the agents of change.
“The point is that this school is intended for the children coming from poor families, particularly those in extreme poverty. They will be given the chance to acquire the proper education so that when they graduate from this school, they can be the agent of change for their families and their communities,” explains Saifullah on Monday (1/20/2025).
However, he emphasized that the impact of the People’s School cannot be immediately felt in the near future, but he is sure that within the next seven years, the benefit can be felt.
Regarding the concept of the People’s School, he says that it is still being studied as they coordinate and gather all the inputs they can get.
"So, we are still asking for (advice) from many parties, including Prof. Mohammad Nuh (Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia 2009-2014) to finalize this concept, surely later we will coordinate with the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Abdul Mu'ti on how the management will be. After all that, then we will report to the President," explained the Minister of Social Affairs.
In the future, he continued that if the People’s Schools use facilities owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, then he will prepare halls for them.