Social and Religious Ministries Signs MoU to Succeed Sekolah Rakyat
The Ministry of Social Affairs is collaborating with the Ministry of Religious Affairs in an effort to make the People's School and poverty alleviation programs a success.
The Ministry of Social Affairs is collaborating with the Ministry of Religious Affairs in an effort to make the People's School and poverty alleviation programs a success.
Vice Minister of Social Affairs, Agus Jabo Priyono stated that the Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) program can eradicate poverty and have an impact on the regional economy.
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf stated that every citizen in the poor category who is employed in kitchens providing Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) will still receive social assistance.
The Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf hopes that the graduates of People's Schools, schools intended for the lower-income communities, can be the agents of change.
The Social Affairs Ministry and the Ministry of Housing and Settlements (PKP) integrate single data for social housing programs.
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf said that Indonesia will adopt a single socioeconomic data system as the new standard for social aid and empowerment programs. Learn more.
Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf says the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) not accepting the social assistance is part of their obedience and discipline towards the government rules.
Ministry of Social Affairs invited Rolls-Royce and luxury goods enthusiasts to participate in an auction of unclaimed prize assets stored at the ministry. Learn more.
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf confirmed that emergency disaster aid distribution will proceed as scheduled ahead of the regional elections on 27 November 2024. Learn more!
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf announced that social aid will be revoked if recipients misuse it for online gambling. Read more about the initiative.
The Ministry of Social Affairs confirmed that it has moved to a number of locations affected by the earthquake in Morotai Island Regency. Data collection continues to be carried out on damaged houses, public facilities and fatalities.