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South Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inaugurates the Use of the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque, Palembang

By Cpiet Senin, 03 Januari 2022 Pengunjung (7) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Palembang. South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Pol. Inspector-General Toni Harmanto, accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the South Sumatra Police, Brigadier General. Pol. Rudi Setiawan inaugurated the use of the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque, Palembang Pakri Complex, Tuesday (12/28/2021). The South Sumatra Regional Police Chief thanked the Donors, all parties involved in constructing the Al-Aman Mosque; hopefully, it will bring blessings and become a charity field later. The South Sumatra Regional Police Chief expects that activities at the mosque will not only be filled with routine activities such as five daily prayers, taklim assemblies, hadroh and so on but can also be used as a place for the implementation of the marriage contract to promote Islamic symbols. Meanwhile, according to the Chief Executive for the Construction of the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque, Chief Bureau HR of the South Sumatra regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Ucu Kuspryadi explained, Al-Aman Mosque Pakri Complex is a mosque of pride for the big family of the South Sumatra Regional Police, especially the Catur Cakti residents, which was built in 1985 to 1987 and inaugurated by the South Sumatra Police Chief at that time, Major General of Police Drs. Sidarto, on May 22, 1987. This mosque stood on the land of a housing complex for members of the Indonesian Armed Forces and was built in cooperation. The work was carried out independently by Catur Cakti residents of the South Sumatra Regional Police for approximately two years with a congregation capacity of around 200 people. However, in line with the condition of the mosque getting older and the congregation's capacity increasing, in 2021, the South Sumatra Police Chief was held by Pol. Inspector-General Eko Indra Heri S plans to renovate the Al-Aman mosque. In January 2021, Pol. Inspector-General Eko Indra Heri S decided to rebuild the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque. Al-Aman Mosque was built on 360 square meters, located not far from the previous mosque. So on March 4, 2021, the groundbreaking for the construction of the Al Aman Pakri Mosque by the National Police Chief, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. After leadership was handed over to the current South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Pol. Inspector-General Toni Harmanto, the construction of the Al-Aman Pakri mosque will resume in August 2021. Thank God that at the end of 2021, the construction of the Al-Aman Pakri mosque was completed and handed over from the developer to the South Sumatra Regional Police. Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Supriadi emphasized that the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque is used as a shooting place and other activities. The South Sumatra Police Chief, through Commander Wish, constantly strives to prosper the mosque with activities such as: • Congregational prayer on time • Khotmil Al-Quran and Recitation of members • Marawis and Hadro activities • And Mother's Study. Efforts to prosper the mosque seem to be supported by many parties, starting from the Ulama, the Pakri complex community and the wider community as well as the South Sumatra Police personnel themselves because these activities can indirectly be an opportunity to seek rewards and stay in touch with Muslims from various circles. With the construction of the Al-Aman Pakri Mosque, it is hoped that it will be more beneficial for the community, not just a place of worship and monumental. However, it can also have significant meaning in the hearts of every community that visits and worships at this Al-Aman Mosque. (fa/bq/hy)
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