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The Central Java Police Chief Awards Work Units and Personnel for Their Excellent Performance

By Cpiet Selasa, 06 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  The Central Java Police awarded nine work units and 168 Central Java Police personnel who accomplish amazing feats in their duty. The award was given directly by the Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, while leading the morning rally at the Central Java Police Headquarters, Monday (5/9). "The award is given as a form of appreciation for personnel who excel and have given the service beyond their call of duty," said the Central Java Police Chief during his speech. The work units who received the awards include the Karanganyar Police, Pati Police, Wonogiri Police, Surakarta Police, Sukoharjo Police, Banyumas Police, Purworejo Police, Semarang Police, and Cilacap Police. They were given the awards because they were considered have been given a breakthrough and inovation in giving their service to the community. In addition, they also have succeeded in uncovering various prominent cases that have caught the attention of the public that occurred in their respective region. While the personnel who were received the awards were from Mobile Brigade and Sabhara unit for achieving achievements in the shooting championship. There also Head of Propam Polda Central Java and its personnel for achievements in the field of financial management and the Head of Public Relations of Central Java Police and members who were considered successful in managing media in Central Java well. In addition, awards were also given to Drugs Investigation Directorate and its personnel for their achievements in disclosing drugs from international networks thanks to well-established cross-sectoral coordination. Traffic Directorate and its personnel also received the awards for their breakthrough in the Go Sigap application which became the cornerstone of the Go Sigap application nationally, as well as various successful achievements achieved by other personnel according to their field of work. "On behalf of the Central Java Police, I thank you and have given you this award so that it becomes a motivation and encouragement for other members, that wherever you are and whatever you do, as long as you did your duty sincerely in giving the best service to the community, you are entitled to a reward," explained the Police Chief.
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