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The Central Java Regional Police and Central Java BEM meeting agreed on a Peaceful Demonstration

By Cpiet Rabu, 28 Oktober 2020 Pengunjung (392) 2 Mins Read
Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi appealed to the wider community, especially students, to adhere to the rules when expressing opinions in public. “In any name, expressing opinions in public must comply with Law number 9 of 1999,” said Luthfi when meeting representatives of BEM Universities in Central Java in the Central Java Regional Police Room, Semarang City, Friday, October 16, 2020. Lutfi emphasized that expressing opinions in public is free but of course it still guarantees people’s freedom. “There are clauses that must be fulfilled, especially your brothers and sisters,” he continued. The legal action taken by the Police, especially the Central Java Regional Police when someone violated these rules, said Lutfi, of course, was in accordance with the regulations. “The National Police, especially the Central Java Regional Police, are not proud to arrest them, but this is in order to maintain dignity, protect and protect our society. If you violate the law, it is equality before the law, so it is the same in the eyes of the law, it doesn’t matter who wants students or whoever. So please serve as guidelines for all students. “he said Lutfi himself emphasized that the demolition of the demonstration that took place in Central Java was in accordance with the procedures. Another discussion at the meeting was about the existence of an intruder who was the provocateur of the demonstration, including requests for the transfer of the detention of 4 students on the grounds of studying and avoiding dropping out. Hope in the future also that students postpone demonstrations with consideration of the pandemic period and the potential for chaos during the action. The meeting was attended by the Director of Intelligence and Security, the Director for Binmas, the Chief of the Semarang City Police, including all the Heads of BEM campuses in Central Java
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