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The Cooperatives Ministry to Develop Programs in Attracting the Younger Generations

By Admin INP Kamis, 20 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (96) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Cooperatives (Menkop) Budi Arie Setiadi collaborated with the President's Special Envoy (UKP) of the Development of the Young Generation and Artists Raffi Ahmad to attract public interest in cooperatives through the Cooperative Ambassador program.

Budi Arie said that through the Cooperative Ambassador, it is hoped that it will mobilize cooperatives in various lines and levels of society.

“We want to raise more ambassadors from the younger generations to develop cooperatives in various levels of society,” says Budi Arie on Wednesday (2/19/2025).

He says that this step is to raise public awareness, particularly the younger generations, about cooperatives that have huge potential in strengthening the national economy.

"With an increasingly strong ecosystem, cooperatives are expected to develop into the main pillar of the national economy, which is in line with President Prabowo's vision in empowering the economy based on mutual cooperation," explained the Cooperative Minister.

In addition to the Cooperative Ambassador, another program that will be targeted by Cooperative Minister Budi Arie is digitalization which is expected to accelerate the development of cooperatives in the country.

"Because young people are very familiar with the digital world, cooperatives must also adapt to existing technological developments. Digitalization of cooperatives is a must to bring cooperatives to a more advanced level," said the Cooperative Minister.

The various steps of the Cooperatives Ministry in developing the cooperative sector hopefully can bring the younger generation to develop the sector to greater highs.


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