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Thousands Greet the Arrival of Aceh Cleric Tu Sop's Remains

By Admin 1 Minggu, 08 September 2024 Pengunjung (257) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. Thousands of students and residents from various regions welcomed the arrival of Tgk Muhammad Yusuf A Wahab, known as Tu Sop, a priminent Achense cleric and a candidate for Aceh Deputy Governor, at his residence in Dayah Babussalam Al Aziziyah, Jeunib, Bireuen, early Sunday (8/9/2024). 

His remains arrived at 1,31 am and were received with recitations of prayers, according to antaranews.com

Tu Sop body was transported from Banda Aceh, where he was also prayed for at Dayah Darul Munawwarah and Dayah Mudi Mesra. The burial preparations began on Saturday afternoon, with the grave ready next to the resting places of his parents, wife, and child.

The remains were transported to Baiturrahman Grand Mosque for prayers attended by Aceh's acting governor and other dignitaries. 

Tu Sop passed away on Saturday at Brawijaya Hospital in Jakarta following a recurring stomach problems.



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