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To Improve Child Lifestyle, VP Gibran Propose Enhanced Sports Education Curriculum

By Pramudita Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (113) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka asked for improvements to the sports education curriculum in schools to form a healthy lifestyle in children, including preventing obesity in school age.

"We need to improve the sports education curriculum so that it can form a healthy lifestyle, such as, for example, preventing obesity in school age children," said the Vice President.

Gibran has asked the ministers and vice ministers to strengthen the implementation of National Sports Grand Design (DBON) from upstream, one of which can be started by developing a sports curriculum and realizing sports support facilities in schools.

According to him, curriculum improvement to form a healthy lifestyle in schools is important as the current lifestyle is growing to lean more towards fast and instant products, which could affect the body resistance due to this lifestyle.

"From a health perspective, we have seen many school-age children already suffer from diabetes, obesity, and kidney failure. In addition to food factors, it is also due to lack of exercise," said the Vice President.

In addition, Gibran also expressed the need for an increase in the development of sports human resources from upstream as he saw, sport scouts to coaching have not been carried out optimally.


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