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Traffic Police Celebrate 69th Anniversary Amid Challenges

By Admin 1 Jumat, 27 September 2024 Pengunjung (286) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP)'s Traffic Corps celebrated its 69th anniversary on Thursday (26/9/2024). 

In his speech, Traffic Corps Chief Inspector General Aan Suhanan reflected on the Corps' presence since its establishment on 22 September 1955.

“Traffic police have been present throughout history, from the colonial era to the early days of independence, and now in the digital 4.0 era, adapting to modern service transformations,” he said during the event held at The Tribata Jakarta.

Chief Aan acknowledged the various dynamics and challenges faced over the years in providing public service, admitting that mistakes and shortcomings still exist. 

“We are aware that there are still many shortcomings and errors in our service that have hurt the public's feelings,” he said.

Emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, he pledged that the Traffic Corps would continuously strive to improve its services, ensuring it remains beneficial to the community. 

“We aim to enhance our presence and usefulness to the public,” he affirmed.



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