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Transmigration Ministry Commits to Its Main Focus of Eradicating Poverty

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (176) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Transmigration Iftitah Sulaiman Suryanagara said that one of his ministry's main focuses is to eradicate poverty in the country and improve people's welfare.

"Our main focus is no longer just moving people, which in the past was often misinterpreted as 'just moving poverty from the old place to the new place', but in the future we want to work earnestly with all our hearts to eradicate poverty, improve people's welfare," explained the Minister of Transmigration on Tuesday (10/29/2024). 

In addition to eradicating poverty and improving welfare, he also said that the Ministry of Transmigration is determined to increase the productivity of transmigrants by involving them in efforts to realize Indonesia's food self-sufficiency.

"We also focus on increasing the productivity of transmigrants through various economic activities, including food self-sufficiency, so that they can contribute to state revenue and economic growth," said Iftitah.

Then, Iftitah also conveyed that the contribution of transmigrants to the economy of the regions where they live is expected to be able to strengthen unity with the local  community.

"By achieving increased income and equalizing the welfare of transmigrants and the surrounding community, it is hoped that this will strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Iftitah.

On the other hand, Iftitah emphasized that transmigrants are patriots of the nation. Therefore, the future transmigration approach will not only focus on the economic sector, but also prioritize improving the quality of human resources (HR), including the development of national character, and a socio-cultural approach.

"For example, the transmigration in Papua will focus on implementing the revitalization of ten transmigration areas that currently exist in Papua," explained the Minister of Transmigration.


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