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President Biden Congratulates Indonesia on 78th Independence Anniversary

By Cpiet Kamis, 17 Agustus 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. President of the United States Joe Biden, through the US Embassy in Jakarta, congratulated President Joko Widodo on the occasion of celebrating the 78th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence. "On behalf of the people of the United States, I sincerely congratulate you and the people of Indonesia on the 78th anniversary of independence," said President Biden in a written message, Wednesday (16/8/23). In the statement, President Biden said that the strategic partnership between Indonesia and the US advances the same democratic principles and the security and prosperity of the people of the two countries. "Together, our nations are driving a bright and resilient future in a free and open Indo-Pacific," said President Biden. He said Indonesia and the US are working together to overcome global challenges such as climate change and environmental protection. "We are strengthening the people-to-people ties that underpin our shared partnership," President Biden continued. President Biden also praised Indonesia's leadership as Chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and supported the ASEAN 2023 theme, "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth." “I hope to further deepen and broaden our cooperation and friendship in the coming year. Congratulations on this joyful Indonesian independence day" concluded President Biden. (ndt/hn/nm)
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