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Vice Head of Papua Regional Police Led 2023 Proactive Recruitment Graduation Session of INP NCOs

By Cpiet Rabu, 13 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (52) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Papua. Held in Rupatama Hall, Vice Head of Papua Regional Police, Brigadier General Petrus Patrige Rudolf Renwarin led the Final Graduation Session for Proactive Recruitment of Indonesian National Police (INP) NCO of 2023, on Wednesday (12/13/2023). The event was attended by Papua Regional Police key officials such as Papua HR Chief, Senior Superintendent I Wayan Gede Ardana and General Planning and Budget Bureau Chief, Senior Superintendent Mulyadi, along with committees and parents. In his remarks, Petrus announced that among Papua Regional Police proactive recruitment, there are 28 candidates who have met the requirement to officially become INP members. Among the 28 candidates, 23 are men and 5 others are women. “I felt proud seeing Papua indigenous children are able to make it to become INP members. However, I still acknowledged and saddened by problems still existing during and after the education,” says Petrus. Petrus asks for parents active role in watching over their children during their education, considering its long duration and various issues, such as health problems, which constantly become the obstacles for the police candidates. “For the eligible 28 candidates, I hope you would return and graduate safely. Afterwards, I remind you that you would have to accept to be placed anywhere and carries out your duty with full responsibility,” adds Petrus. The Vice Head of Papua Regional Police emphasized that the proactive recruitment is free of charge as it is purely from the hard work of the candidates. This statement also serves as message for the candidates to serve the public with honesty and carries out their duties well. (ad/inp/pr/nm)
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