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Virtual Police Send Alerts to 336 Accounts Until 11 May, Mostly from Facebook

By Cpiet Minggu, 16 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (20) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police has sent warnings to 336 social media accounts. Alerts issued by the virtual police are carried out against social media accounts that are suspected of spreading information on ethnicity, race, religion and intergroup (SARA). "From 23 February to 11 May 2021, 476 complaints were filed. However, only 336 contents were alleged to contain hate speech," said the Director of Cybercrime Crime, Crime and Investigation Agency, Police Brigadier General Slamet Uliandi, through a written statement on Friday, 14 May 2021. Meanwhile, 100 contents do not meet verification criteria, so they are not continue into the next step, and the remaining 40 contents are still in the verification process. Meanwhile, the social media with the most warnings was Facebook, with a total of 228 accounts. Then, Twitter with 224 accounts, Instagram with 14 accounts, YouTube with nine accounts, WhatsApp with one account. Then, 70 content was removed, 179 submitted for blocking, and 67 more are still waiting. "Based on the 190 warnings that were successfully sent, there were 70 accounts that complied with the appeal, 53 accounts that did not comply with the appeal, 67 accounts had not responded to the warning," explained the Director of Cyber Crime, Crime and Investigation Agency. Previously, the Indonesian National Police had explained how virtual police work. In the initial stage, when there is content that is deemed to contain SARA, members who become virtual police officers immediately report to their superiors. Then the upload or tweet is submitted to several experts, such as linguists, criminal experts, and Information and Electronics Transactions Law experts, for their opinions. Later, if the upload or tweet has the potential to have a criminal offence, the upload will be reported to the Directorate of Cyber Crime. After the official agrees, the virtual police will send a warning to the account holder.
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