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Chief of Central Java Regional Police Instructs Kedung Ombo Tourism destination to Be Closed

By Cpiet Minggu, 16 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (21) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Boyolali. Chief of Central Java Regional Police, Police Inspector General. Ahmad Luthfi received information of an overturned tourist boat at the Kedung Ombo Reservoir Location in the Kemusuk District, Boyolali Regency, Saturday (15 May 2021). Chief of Central Java Regional Police immediately inspected the location and directed personnel to search for victims, and ordered ranks to search for drowned victims. Chief of Central Java Regional Police through the Head of PR, Central Java Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Iskandar, said that the overturned tourist boat contained 20 passengers. Eleven people were found safe, while nine others have not yet found. "The Boyolali Police are still searching the nine passengers and Central Java Police," explained the Head of PR. "After turning around, they then took a selfie on the boat. Because the boat was not strong, finally the boat capsized, all the passengers splashed into the water," explained the Head of Public Relations. From the data received, the nine missing people included Siti Mukaromah, Wilda, Niken Safitri, Tituk Mulyani, Ana, Zamzam, Jalal, Jalil and Desti. Meanwhile, the eleven survivors were Alya, Mustakim, Suswanti, Laras, Supriyadi, Andre, Khoirunisia, Rifki Edi, Andi, Adi and Tinuk. Due to this incident, the Chief of Central Java Regional Police ordered the tourism management of the Kedung Ombo to close the tourism destination because they did not implement safety procedures and procedures, and the visitor capacity exceeded the specified capacity. (rj / bq / hy)
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