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Yogyakarta Food Task Force Monitors Supply Availability during Ramadan

By Admin INP Senin, 03 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (66) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Yogyakarta. Entering the holy month of Ramadan, the Yogyakarta Food Task Force monitors the basic food supplies stock at several distributors in the region.

The activity,  which was led by the Yogyakarta Regional Police Special Criminal Investigation Director, Senior Superintendent Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, was to ensure the food stock and prevent shortages during Ramadan.

According to the Head of Yogyakarta Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Ihsan, the team visited the distributors that have been supplying the food to the market and retailers in Yogyakarta.

Based on the inspection by the team, the food supplies are safe with rice, cooking oil, sugar, and meat are abundant. For the price, the team says that it is relatively balanced and still under control although there are slight increase.

"Regarding prices, we will continue to monitor if there are price gouging practices that are detrimental to consumers," he said.

In addition to monitoring the availability of goods, the Food Task Force also provides education to distributors to ensure the quality of goods distributed remains in accordance with standards and is safe for consumption.

Ihsan hopes that this check can provide a sense of security for the community in preparing their needs during Ramadan.


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