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YouTube Tutorial Leads to Homemade Firearms Arrest in Samarinda

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 April 2024 Pengunjung (10) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Samarinda. Samarinda City Sub-regional Police has detained a man  for crafting homemade firearms via YouTube tutorials after his wife reported a threatening video. 

HR, a mechanic, used his workshop for this purpose, according to antaranews.com 

Samarinda Police Chief Senior Superintendent Ary Fadil said on Monday (29/4/2024) that the police arrested him on Friday following his wife's complaint,seizing two homemade firearms and evidence. 

HR admitted to experimenting since 2020 to produce functional firearms. Initially claiming self-defense, he later used them to threaten his wife for not allowing him to see their child. 

The makeshift firearms, lacking safety standards, posed severe risks. 

HR faced charges under Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, with a potential 20-year prison sentence. 

CHief Ary warned against being influenced by social media content, especially tutorials on homemade firearms, urging prompt reporting of any such activities to law enforcement.


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