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11 Communication and Digital Ministry Officials to be Discharged Dishonorably

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (106) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, says that she will dishonorably discharge 11 of its employees who were arrested by the police. The 11 employees were arrested for their involvement in covering around 1,000 online gambling sites from getting banned by the government.

The dishonorable dismissal of the 11 employees will see the ongoing legal decision process. This step was taken as a firmness of the Ministry of Communication and Digital regarding the violations of its employees who have violated the integrity pact to eradicate online gambling.

"If the legal process reaches permanent decision, then employees who are proven guilty will be dishonorably dismissed," he said.

However, she said that her party had deactivated the status of the 11 employees starting from seven days since they were arrested.

"Following seven days since the Police issued the arrest warrant. We have imposed a temporary suspension on the employees involved," she said.

Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Regional, Senior Superintendent Ade Ary Syam Indradi, said that the 11 ministry officials were not just ordinary employees. Of the total suspects arrested, they consist of civilians, ministry officials, and expert staff.


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