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2024 IAPF: Integral Role of Indonesian Parliament in Building Global Partnership

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 September 2024 Pengunjung (254) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Badung. Indonesia Parliament has strategic role for its long history in strengthening cooperation with African countries.

This was conveyed by the Indonesian Chairperson of House of Representative (DPR RI) Puan Maharani when opening the 2024 Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF) in Grand Hyatt Bali, Sunday (9/1/2024).

"If in 1955 the government is the one who dominantly pushed for the Asia-Africa cooperation, now in 2024, parliament role become important in strengthening the role of the two continents," said Puan.

Now, the government did not act alone as they have to consult with the parliament to reach agreement in international cooperation. 

Puan also underscores the importance of building bilateral relations between parliament to expand the inclusive relationship between Asia and Africa. "Parliament is the representative of the people and they can push and work together with the government in strengthening international collaboration, especially between the developing countries," explains Puan.

Puan hopes that the IAPF could boost the relations between African-Indonesian countries. In this forum, Indonesia and African countries will design their future cooperation in various sectors. Especially when Africa have the agenda for 2063: The Africa We Want, a blue print to transform Africe to the main world power in the future.

"Indonesia definitely ready to partner with Africa considering our potential who projected to be the fourth biggest economy in the world in 2050," says Puan.

There are several key factors that becomes the focus of the cooperation, such as renewable energy development, increasing food security, and developing a digital economy. In addition, cooperation in increasing women's participation in the economic and political sectors is also a priority, considering the significant role of women in community development.

"The relationship between Africa and Indonesia is not only rooted in history, but also about how we can explore opportunities for future cooperation," said Puan emphasizing that relations between the two regions must be built on mutual respect, appreciation of diversity, and equality.


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