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Opening HLF MSP and 2nd IAF, Jokowi Calls for Global Solidarity

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 September 2024 Pengunjung (205) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Badung. The Indonesian Republic President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo calls for global solidarity to take concrete acts against economic slowdown, unemployment rates, inflation, and geopolitical tensions that have disrupted global supply chains.

This was conveyed when he opened the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) and the 2nd Indonesia- Africa Forum (IAF) in Nusa Dua Bali on Monday (9/2/2024).

He notes that to achieve a more fair and inclusive development for developing countries, it would require new strategy and tactical moevement that focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Therefore, Jokowi points out to four main points that should be their focus. First is to focus on equitable SDGs achievement with the priority of national and regional development.

Second is the Indonesian commitment to always take part in global solutions, defending the developing countries interest, and acts as bridge builder in fighting for equity, justice, and solidarity.

"This is the commitment that we consistenly uphold since Asia-Africa Conference 69 years ago," says Jokowi.

The third point is Indonesia commitment in always opening for partnerships with countries from Africa, who he always consider the key in global development. The Indonesia-Africa Forum has recorded business deals worth 3.5 billion USD, almost six times the deals reached at the first forum in 2018.

Lastly, in improving the cooperation between South-South and North-South to overcome global challenges together. With the same spirit, Indonesia will hold Platinum Jubilee of the Asian African Conference to commemorate the 70th Asia-Africa Summit.

"With this, I declare the Joint Leader’s Forum Session of the High-Level Multi-Party Partnership and the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum is open,” said Jokowi ending his speech.


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