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Bali Ready to Sow Economic Advantages from HLF MSP

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 September 2024 Pengunjung (228) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Badung. The holding of  High Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 on September 1st-3rd  2024 in Bali is projected to have significant effect on Bali local economy. This forum is expected to boost Bali economic growth, particularly in accomodation, food and beverage sectors.

"Throughout this event, we are expecting postive impact on Bali micro and macro economy. The increasing number of visitors, both domestically and internationally during HLF MSP will push local economic growth in the accomodation, food and beverage, and also transportation service and tourist destinations," says Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security of the Ministry of National Development Planning Bogat Widyatmoko on Sunday (9/1/2024) in Nusa Dua Bali.

The event will be attended by 1,275 participants from 26 countries. This number consists of 786 government representatives, 102 from international organizations, 107 from non-governmental organizations, 128 from the private sector, 8 philanthropists, 9 think tanks, 56 academic communities, 9 multilateral banks, and 70 security officers.

"The effect on macro economy from this forum will be shown in the multiparties partnership potential that could solidify Indonesia economy modality in the future. Networks between domestic and global economic actors are expected to become closer, facilitating more intensive economic collaboration in the future," added Deputy Bogat.

HLF MSP will also become the strategic platform to discuss transformative collaboration that aims to overcome global challenges such as development gaps through a multi-stakeholder partnership approach.

This forum is also expected to gather various stakeholders from government and non-governmental parties to work together in searching for solutions and collective actions in overcoming global challenges.

"We want to welcome all stakeholders to participate in this forum, so that the result of HLF MSP can give a long-term impact to our development and prosperity," conclude Bogat.


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