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Agriculture Ministry Collaborates with INP Food Task Force to Balance the Poultry Price in Market

By Pramudita Rabu, 11 September 2024 Pengunjung (253) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Agriculture Minister works together with Indonesian National Police (INP) Food Task Force to ensure price balance of poultry to protect local farmers from market volatility.

According to the written statement of the ministry, as of Tuesday (9/10/2024), the price of poultry in the market will be balanced with the full support from the poultry associations and integrated companies throughout Indonesia.

"From the results of our evaluation meeting, it was agreed to set the minimum price for live chickens measuring 1.6 - 2.0 kg at IDR 20,000 per kg. This price will be applied simultaneously in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi to protect market balance and ensure that farmers, especially independent farmers, are not harmed by sharp price fluctuations," quote the written statement on Tuesday (9/10/2024).

Other agreements from the evaluation meeting is optimization of animal absorption and slaughtering at the Poultry Slaughterhouse (RPHU) by integrated companies. Companies are required to absorb more than 30 percent of their total internal poultry farm production to be slaughtered at the RPHU.

This step aims to reduce excess supply in the market and help maintain a balance between production and demand. The price of one-day-old female chicks (DOC FS) will be determined at 25 percent of the price of live chickens weighing between 1.6-2 kg.

As much as 50 percent of the DOC FS will be used by the company itself, the rest will be sold to other farmers, in order to provide opportunities for independent farmers.

Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture Agung Suganda said that sanctions will be imposed on parties who do not comply with this commitment. The sanctions include reviewing recommendations for the import of grand parent stock (GPS) and feed raw materials, to reduce the allocation of GPS for broiler chickens in the current year and the following year.

On the other hand, INP Food Task Force expressed its readiness to support the implementation of this policy with strict supervision in the field.

"We will continue to monitor and take firm action against any form of violation that has the potential to harm farmers and consumers. We hope that with this collaboration, price fluctuations can be minimized," said the Head of INP Food Task Force, Brigadier General Helfi Assegaf.


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