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Agriculture Ministry Prepares Hotline to Help Farmers in Drought

By Pramudita Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (211) 3 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Agriculture Minister opens a water pump complaint hotline for farmers who are having difficulties during the dry season.

“You can call 085211218544 and say your area, situation and condition, the area of ​​land affected by drought and the availability of water sources around the location," explained the Head of the Public Relations and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Moch. Arief Cahyono, on Monday (8/26/2024).

Arief says that the hotline service can be contacted for 24 hours. All complaints will be verified by the ministry and will be provided aid if the conditions are met.

“We will prioritize our farmers who have joined the farmer group and have registered in Simluhtan,” said Arief.

According to him, the complaint category includes fertile rain-fed rice fields affected by severe drought, where there are water sources but no irrigation facilities such as adequate pumps.

"For example, if an area is fertile but has a shortage of irrigation water supply, it can be reported through the contact above. Or if in an area there is a water source but it has not been utilized optimally, it can also be reported to the contact," explained Kabiro Arief.


 - Jakarta. The Agriculture Minister opens a water pump complaint hotline for farmers who are having difficulties during the dry season.

“You can call 085211218544 and say your area, situation and condition, the area of ​​land affected by drought and the availability of water sources around the location," explained the Head of the Public Relations and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Moch. Arief Cahyono, on Monday (8/26/2024).

Arief says that the hotline service can be contacted for 24 hours. All complaints will be verified by the ministry and will be provided aid if the conditions are met.

“We will prioritize our farmers who have joined the farmer group and have registered in Simluhtan,” said Arief.

According to him, the complaint category includes fertile rain-fed rice fields affected by severe drought, where there are water sources but no irrigation facilities such as adequate pumps.

"For example, if an area is fertile but has a shortage of irrigation water supply, it can be reported through the contact above. Or if in an area there is a water source but it has not been utilized optimally, it can also be reported to the contact," explained Kabiro Arief.


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