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Ahead of 2024 Regional Head Election, Kapuas Hulu Security Force Conduct Training

By Pramudita Selasa, 27 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (39) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Kapuas Hulu. Kapuas Hulu Sub-regional Police held City Security Simulation to prepare all personnel to face every possibility in the Regional Head Election.

The simulation covers several crucial steps in the Regional Head Election process, such as escort and security for the election candidates, election campaign quiet period, Regional Head Election logistics distribution, to the determination of the elected candidates.

Head of Kapuas Hulu Sub-regional Police, Superintendent Hendrawan explains that the simulation is also to prepare personnel in facing various scenarios of protests, from peaceful demonstrations to riots.

The training also highlights the importance of coordination between various involved elements in securing the elections.

In this activity, personnel are expected to have a clear picture of their roles and duties, also steps that have to be taken in emergency situations.

“This kind of training is essential to maintain security of the election in Kapuas Hulu,” concluded Hendrawan.


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