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Anti Land Mafia Task Force Uncover 86 Cases by 2023

By Cpiet Kamis, 09 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Anti-Land Mafia Task Force announced on Wednesday (8/11/2023) that it has uncovered a total of 86 cases covering 8,018 hectares and valued at nearly Rp p13 trillion this year. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Criminal Investigation Agency  Chief Commisioner General  Wahyu Widada explained during a meeting in Jakarta that of the cases uncovered, 45 were completed, 17 were not under investigation, 22 were under investigation and two were under preliminary investigation. "I convey my appreciation  efforts of the task force members in 12 provinces in preventing and solving land crimes, and to the cooperation between regional police stations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency  and the Pronvincial Prosecutor's Office in achieving operational goals," he was quoted by antaranews.com as saying. One notable case was the resolution of land ownership issues related to the rights of use certificates for  a 48-hectare plot of land in Jatikarya Bekasi, which is estimated to have resulted in the recovery of state assets worth around Rp10 trillion. The task force investigated the suspected forgery of 79 title deeds used as evidence of ownership in the case of the Jatikarya land, which belongs to the Indonesian Military. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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