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BPOM-Communication and Digital Ministry Collaborates on Monitoring Online Shops

By Admin INP Rabu, 08 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (122) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Head of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) Taruna Ikrar, held an audience with the Minister of Communication and Digital (Komdigi) Meutya Hafid.

The visit was to discuss the distribution of dangerous and illegal foods and cosmetics that are sold on online platforms.

“In carrying out our duties, which is to protect, monitor, and guarantee the safety, quality, and benefit of the products, be it medicine, cosmetic supplements, or food, we need the support from the Communication and Digital Ministry. And that is why we are gathering here today,” says Taruna Ikrar on Tuesday (1/7/2025).

Ikrar says that the cooperation with the Communication and Digital Ministry is to aim at the online shops, which sell the products that BPOM monitors.

The Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid, in the meeting, says that her party welcomes the collaboration in protecting the Indonesian from dangerous products on online shops.

“We understand that this collaboration has been established since a long time ago, and for now, around 35,000 contents have been handled since 2018 under the request of BPOM,” says Meutya.

Meutya explains that her party can only act after BPOM gives its jurisdiction whether the product sold at the market is safe or not.


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