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Chief of INP Asks Hubinter Personnel to Launch Voting for Indonesian Citizens Abroad

By Cpiet Kamis, 01 Juni 2023 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - South Tangerang. The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP), Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo hopes that International Relations Division (Divhubinter) personnel serving abroad will actively assist the voting process in the 2024 election. This was conveyed by Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo after reviewing the readiness of Divhubinter personnel.

"There are our officers there who will carry out security, it is hoped that they can help the KPU (General Election Commission), collect data, the number of DPT (Fixed Voters List), so that the number of personnel when securing TPS (Polling Places) can be sufficient," explained Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in a press conference, Wednesday (31/5/23).

It is known that the voting and counting of votes for the 2024 election will be carried out on February 14, 2024. Then, on February 15-March 20, 2024, the recapitulation of vote counting will be carried out.

The KPU had mentioned several ways of voting abroad, namely Overseas Polling Places or TPSLN. This method is a voting service for voters by visiting the polling place at a point determined by the KPU through the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN).

The second way is the Mobile Ballot Box (KSK). With the KSK method, voting services are provided for voters by visiting places where voters congregate, work, and/or live in one area.

The last way is to post. Voting by post is a polling service for voters who cannot vote at predetermined TPS.


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