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Coordinating Minister Muhaimin Invites Regional Govt. to Tackle Extreme Poverty Issue

By Admin INP Kamis, 27 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (66) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment Muhaimin Iskandar said that the issue of extreme poverty is still a challenge that needs to be addressed by all parties, including local governments.

Coordinating Minister Muhaimin said that various concrete efforts are absolutely needed so that the problem can be handled properly.

According to him, the government is currently working hard to overcome the problem. A number of policies also continue to be strengthened, such as the distribution of social assistance, expanding job opportunities, providing energy subsidies for those in need, and improving social services.

That is why Coordinating Minister Muhaimin invited regional heads to resolve the problem.

"Therefore, let's work together as one in tackling this important matter," said Coordinating Minister Muhaimin on Tuesday (2/25/2025).

He said that his party specifically has a big task to reduce poverty and increase welfare equality. His party is optimistic that with the cooperation of all parties, especially the central and regional governments, these steps can be realized properly.

“As this is a national program, me and local heads must continue to work together so that we can improve public welfare and get them out of extreme poverty,” said Muhaimin.

According to him, the next challenge that regional heads must optimize is synergizing with the central government in realizing food self-sufficiency.

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman said that food self-sufficiency efforts need to be the concern of all parties. This is crucial because it can trigger a prolonged crisis if not handled properly.


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