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Deliserdang Police Uncovers Distribution of 173 Kilograms of Marijuana, Arrests 3 Suspects

By Cpiet Selasa, 23 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Deliserdang. Police have successfully uncovered the distribution of 173 kilograms of dried marijuana and arrested two women and one man as suspects. Police Senior Superintendent Irsan Sinuhaji, the Chief of Deliserdang Regional Police, revealed the suspects during the press conference on Monday (22/5/2023), "The three suspects are BF (male), SW, and SS. They reside in Tembung Village, Percut Seituan District."

The former Vice Chief of Medan Sub-Regional Large City Police elaborated on the investigation process, revealing that the narcotics case was uncovered through meticulous operations conducted by the Narcotics Crime Investigation Unit of Deliserdang Sub-Regional City Police. These operations involved undercover purchases carried out at various locations.

"We arrested suspect BF on Tangkul II Street, Medan City after the transaction in Batangkuis and Percut Seituan Districts was canceled. During the arrest, we confiscated 3 kilograms of marijuana concealed in the storage compartment of his Honda Vario motorcycle, bearing license plate BK 6150 AFW," he said.

Based on the interrogation of suspect BF, it was revealed that he confessed to acquiring the marijuana from individuals named Dedek and Farhan in Tembung Village, Percut Seituan District.

"We conducted further investigation by visiting Dedek and Farhan's house, but they were not present. During the search of the evidence, we confiscated 170 kilograms of marijuana wrapped in yellow tape and concealed within suitcases and backpacks. Two women, SW and SS, were also arrested," he explained.

Upon questioning, it was determined that SW was Dedek's second wife, while SS was the parent of Farhan. Both individuals are suspected of involvement in the marijuana distribution business.

"The pursuit of Dedek and Farhan is currently underway," he said.

The three suspects face charges under Article 114 paragraph (2), Sub-Article 111 paragraph (2), Sub-Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.


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